Using Docker to build Software

Sometimes, we need a lot of dependencies and libraries to build a software and sometimes we need different version of same library and dependency. It is easier to install these dependencies when the list is small, but this list can grow out of hand very quickly and we need to install a lot of dependencies just for that 10 line of important code. And sometimes these dependencies conflicts with other systems or libraries. Continue reading

Uploading artifact to Nexus without Maven

There are several ways to upload an artifact to nexus with or without using maven. This will be helpful when your code is not written in java or language that does not work well with maven. Or you just want to upload a file to nexus from command line as a part of build process. Whatever!

  • Using Curl

Use Curl to directly upload a file to /content/repositories/<repo-id>/<path-of-file>.

curl -v -u nexusadmin:pwd –upload-file pom.xml http:// nexusrepo:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases/com/sanjeev/demo/1.0/demo-1.0.pom

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